What We do
Our highly-trained department service officers (DSOs) provide free, professional assistance to veterans of all generations in obtaining VA and other government benefits earned through service. These DSOs provide counseling on all veterans’ benefits including disability compensation, health care, pension, survivors’ benefits, employment rights, education and more. Our DSOs also help veterans assemble evidence needed to support claims, build their cases, and prepare forms and briefs. |
We link service-injured veterans to job training and job assistance programs. We fight for the rights of ill and injured veterans on Capitol Hill. We give emergency grants to ill and injured veterans living in areas damaged by natural disasters. |
We help homeless veterans by providing food and shelter while connecting veterans to medical care, benefits counseling and job training.
We host recreational programs, which bring veterans together.
We fund rehabilitation programs for veterans with severe disabilities.
We had a common experience which bound us together, and we ought to continue through an organization of our own… an organization of us, by us and for us…
-Robert S. Marx,
DAV Founder